Blue Heron Pan
This is my very first shot at Blue Heron Park, Staten Island, New York (US), at sunset. This image was created by panning the camera at a relatively slow shutter speed (1/6 sec) parallel to the orientation of the trees. This technique preserves the outline of the trees, while rendering a painterly effect of the colorful sunset background. The rich colors are achieved with a Singh-Ray 81B glass warming filter and by increasing color saturation of the digital image. Besides the art-like digital borders, no other Adobe Photoshop techniques are applied, as most of its characteristics are achieved 'in-camera.' .Nikon D70, Lens: 12-24mm F/4 G, Focal Length: 22mm, Aperture Priority, Metering Mode: Multi-Pattern, 1/6 sec - F/22, Exposure Comp.: 0 EV, ISO 1600, White Balance: Direct sunlight, AF Mode: AF-S, Flash Sync Mode: Not Attached, .Long Exposure NR: Off, 2005/11/10 16:02PM